Olá, my name
is Tiago Sobral.

I'm a freelancing multimedia graphic designer, graduated in Graphic Design, working primarily as a social media content creator for small businesses.

Interested in many fields ranging from general graphic design to web design, photography and videography. I'm a human at heart, but an octopus in flexibility, whose main mission is to communicate with beauty and effectiveness.

I often seek new challenges and projects that inspire and make me uncomfortable. As David Bowie once said "Always go a little further into the water than you feel you're capable of being." A good week is only productive if it leaves us feeling slightly out of water every now and then.

Complementing my designer self, I am also a proud co-founder (along with my beautiful mother) of Tátá, a sustainable Zero Waste Store based in Tondela, which I’m happy to report has positively impacted our community and inspired countless others. My role in our business has been brainstorming ideas, creating new and exciting products, making sure we have a balanced working environment and creating compelling visual content. It’s a place where I champion my best abilities to create a positive impact.

On the weekends you may find me playing board games in nerdy cafés and sometimes a little bit of football with a few friends (but I’m not great at it). Let me know if your interested!

Thank you for the read! Leave a message and let me know your thoughts as well.

My adobe credentials :)