
Sustainable Local Event

In a span of three weeks, an event was conceptualised, a place to host it was found, a designer was put to work, and posters were printed. This is TonDeVerde, an initiative from local businesses that primarily focus on drawing attention to sustainability.

We don’t need a logo
A branding designer refuses to create a logo… Let me elaborate.

We all love good stories, and TonDeVerde desperately needed one. While being a sustainable event is excellent, this was our first edition and we had limited time and resources.

A logo package would strain the project and derail it’s priorities, which were - sending a strong message. After settling the goals I started crafting a beautiful message that could expand on further editions, such as the butterfly effect and the strong “OUR FUTURE” tagline.

The butterfly is a beautiful metaphor for change.
The theory goes : Small choices can trigger significant changes in our future. TonDeVerde's promise is to educate us on making good choices for a positive impact and a better future, the butterfly makes perfect sense for a complimentary image.

The poster grid is based on a Fibonacci layout.

This made my visuals energetic and vibrant, and it allowed me to overlay elements logically.

TonDeVerde was crossing a thin line between political & activist messaging, and we wanted to make sure there was no denying in our tone of voice. We are not selling an election, we are creating a sustainable long-lasting community.

We wanted to reach younger audiences, educate others, and ignite interest in sustainable local businesses. At its core, TonDeVerde was an exercise within our consciousness, urging us to understand our everyday decisions and their impact on OUR FUTURE. The tagline conveys the clear idea that TonDeVerde educates us of our future.

The type is presented in bold, all caps, slightly tilted, slightly stretched Futura PT.